A report examined the role of sheltered housing in Northern Ireland. The needs of tenants had changed since sheltered housing was first developed: feedback from scheme co-ordinators indicated that more residents than in the past had mental health problems and alcohol or other addictions.
Source: Fiona Boyle, The Role of Sheltered Housing in Northern Ireland and Future Issues, Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Date: 2012-Oct
A briefing paper examined the policy context around tackling homelessness and addressing the mental health needs of homeless people. There was a strong link between homelessness and poor mental health, with high rates of mental health problems and substance misuse among the homeless population. Access to mental health services for homeless people could be improved through improving staff awareness and delivering services differently – including use of non-clinical settings – as well as through effective joint working with partner agencies.
Source: Mental Health and Homelessness: Planning and delivering mental health services for homeless people, NHS Confederation
Links: Briefing | NHS Confederation press release | Guardian report
Date: 2012-Apr